EP. 07: Second Adolescence as…the Power of Finding Queer Community

February 24, 2022

This week's guest is Latina DIY queer creator Becky Blanco (she/her) aka @becky.with.the.good.repair. On this episode, Becky shares about her experience growing up in Miami, FL to Cuban immigrant parents and within the Southern Baptist church. She shares about being a child that didn’t fit into the limited box of what she was told being a girl was, how her devotion to her faith became a place of both identity validation as well as a place where she internalized homophobic belief structures, and the conflict she faced when in college she became more and more interested in women. She goes on to share about coming out at 30 and how her Second Adolescence was jumpstarted by finding a community of other queer people that became a source of information, guidance, and support, and how her relationship with her now wife has been a place of so much healing.

About the guest:
Becky (she/her) is a queer latina DIYer fixing up her first home as a newlywed. You can follow the journey on Instagram at @becky.with.the.good.repair

download episode transcript here.